The space we're in by Katya Balen. Margaret Ferguson
Books/Holiday House 2019.
I read it because the subject headings said it was about
death and grief. Which it is. But is so much more.
The first third, or so, of the book sets up the family
Told in the first person by Frank, you meet his family: Mum,
Dad, Granny M and Max - his younger brother. Max is autistic and sometimes
Frank is ashamed. Impatient. Resentful. All normal.
Then, their mother dies.
The family members' grief is honestly portrayed. Their
father's inability to cope - to even make a pretence of coping. Until Frank
loses it. And they begin to come together, to make it work. Even though there
is a huge part of their lives missing.
The friends and family and support workers are all people,
with characters - even if they only have small roles in the story.
It is a truly magical and beautiful book.