Dadaji's paintbrush written by Rashmi Sirdeshpande, illustrated by Ruchi Mhasane

Dadaji's paintbrush
written by Rashmi Sirdeshpande, illustrated by Ruchi Mhasane. Andersen Press 2022. 

Sometimes, the only way to deal with the absence of a loved one is to lock things away - be they memories or physical objects.

The boy copes with the death of his grandfather, Dadaji, by locking everything away. The paintings. The paint. The paintbrush. And his joy and creativity. 

A small child reminds him of their shared past, and helps him rediscover his Dadaji and his memories and joy. 

Rodney was a tortoise written by Nan Forler, illustrated by Yong Ling Kang.

Rodney was a tortoise written by Nan Forler, illustrated by Yong Ling Kang. Tundra Books 2022. 

The overwhelming aloneness of unshared grief, and the importance of someone who reaches out, who understands. 

Bernadette and Rodney have a wonderful relationship, and Bernadette's grief at his death is poignantly shown.