Daddy's rainbow written by Lucy Rowland, illustrated by Becky Cameron

Daddy's rainbow written by Lucy Rowland, illustrated by Becky Cameron. Bloomsbury 2022.

So much is said in the spaces, in the illustrations.

Daddy does not die suddenly, so there are moments as he becomes weaker, as they visit in hospital. Then, slowly, as they come through the thick blanket of grey, to be able to see colour again.

There is no discernable timeframe to this. 

How my koro became a star by Brianne Te Paa; illustrated by Story Hemi Moorhouse

How my koro became a star written by Brianne Te Paa; illustrated by Story Hemi Moorhouse. Huia Publishers 2022.

A true taonga.

Rituals passed down and shared.

The significance and importance of these farewell rituals is integrated beautifully within the story.

The sorrow and shared experiences / memories of a passed loved one are gently shown.