Saturdays are for Stella by Candy Wellins; illustrated by Charlie Eve Ryan.

Saturdays are for Stella by Candy Wellins; illustrated by Charlie Eve Ryan. Page Street Kids 2020.

A story about the circle of life, and the comfort found in continuing and passing on traditions.

George loves Saturdays, because Saturdays are for Stella – his grandmother. George and Stella have their traditions, which include dancing to Stella’s “giant, flat Frisbees [she] could get […] to play music.” One Saturday, there is no Stella, and George’s world changes.

Although Stella’s death is not explicitly stated, George’s reactions to her absence are vividly portrayed through the illustrations, and understated text.

But, his life changes when a new Stella arrives – his new baby sister. And he enjoys passing on his and Stella-grandma’s traditions.

Samsara dog by Helen Manos; illustrated by Julie Vivas.

Samsara dog by Helen Manos; illustrated by Julie Vivas. Working Title Press 2006.

A story of reincarnation, with Samsara Dog returning in many lives until it learns the lesson of love.
Beautifully told, and beautifully illustrated, this is a treasure.
Although not specifically about death, but it does happen, this would make a wonderful starting point for a discussion about reincarnation.